I have today written to the Prime Minister to demand the urgent recall of Parliament.
A no-deal Brexit poses significant risks to our country’s economy and security threatening immediate disruption to food and medical supplies, wide-spread job losses and the return of a hard-border in Northern Ireland. It would be outrageous and wholly undemocratic for the Government to deny Parliament the opportunity to hold Ministers to account at this time of national emergency. You can read my letter below>>
Along with 70 other parliamentarians, I am also supporting legal efforts to prevent Boris Johnson proroguing Parliament to force through a no-deal Brexit. I am pleased that the courts have recognised the urgency of this case and fast tracked the next hearing to 6th September, shortly after Parliament returns. You can read more here.
I believe that no form of Brexit will be better than our current deal as a member of the European Union, and I will continue to call for this decision to be returned to the public in a People's Vote.