Lambeth Council has recently consulted on new planning policy for a number of locations in my constituency of Dulwich and West Norwood in a draft document called the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD).
I have been contacted by many local residents who have concerns about the proposals for some of the locations covered by the SADPD, and this week I have submitted my detailed response to the consultation to Lambeth Council.
In my response to the council I have set out my concerns about the very limited options for residents and community groups to engage in this process, and I have asked the Council to pause the process until after the local elections in May to allow more time for local people and businesses to have a say on the future of their area. This document should set out a clear vision based on a local consensus on areas of the borough that are likely to experience change or development in the coming years, but it can only do this if is based on a collaborative process that fully involves local people and community groups.
I have also made specific comments on a number of sites, including:
- Site 18 in West Norwood - Our local community is ambitious for site 18 and believes new development must be of the highest quality and sensitive to the local area. I have asked for site 18 to be removed from the SADPD to enable a full co-design approach to be taken with local residents. I am clear that the height proposed in this location is inappropriate, and I have asked for existing homes to be removed from the site boundary.
- Site 19, Knolly's Yard - I am very concerned that the Council is proposing site 19 as a suitable location for tall buildings. In my submission, I have argued that the traffic and parking pressures, poor public transport accessibility and predominant suburban character of West Norwood make this an unsuitable place for tall buildings.
- Effra Road, Brixton - I have asked that Mosaic Clubhouse is removed from the site boundary.
- Hardess Street/Wellfit Street, Loughborough Junction - I have highlighted the intense pressure on public transport services in Loughborough Junction and the tall buildings at Higgs Triangle and the Hero of Switzerland sites which have already been granted planning permission, and I have said that the area cannot accommodate further highly dense development because of the lack of public transport capacity.
I will retain a strong interest in the SADPD as it progresses and continue to represent the views of local residents and community groups to the council.
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